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NFPW 2021 Communications Contest Winners

Winners of the 2021 National Federation of Press Women (NFPW) Communications Contest were recognized at a virtual awards celebration on June 11.

Sixteen NDPC members earned 39 awards for their work in writing, editing, photography, graphics and design, advertising, web and social media, communication programs and campaigns, public relations, information for the media and speeches.
The winners include:

Alexandra Floersch, North Dakota
2nd Place, Advertising, Advertising Poster, Billboard or Banner

Honorable Mention, Feature Story, Online publication
Honorable Mention, Advertising, Single Advertisement
Honorable Mention, Advertising, Advertising Campaign 

Tracy Frank, North Dakota

1st Place, Specialty Articles, Ghost-written article
1st Place, Single Page, Section, or Supplement Edited by Entrant, Newsletter/other publication - corporate or for profit
Honorable Mention, Specialty Articles, Agriculture 

Tracy Frank, Alexandra Floersch, North Dakota
1st Place, Publications Regularly Written by Entrant, Newsletters/other publication, corporate or for-profit
1st Place, Video for Web, Special interest video 

Kris Hauge, Minnesota/North Dakota

1st Place, Radio and Television Advertising, Television
2nd Place, Web and Social Media, Web Copy
2nd Place, Marketing Program or Campaign 

Pamela Knudson, North Dakota

1st Place, Specialty Articles, Religion
1st Place, Specialty Articles, Science or technology
Honorable Mention, Specialty Articles, Arts and entertainment
Honorable Mention, Specialty Articles, Food
Honorable Mention, Specialty Articles, Physical health 

Becky Koch, Ellen Crawford, North Dakota
1st Place, Publications Regularly Written by Entrant, Newsletter/other publication, non-profit, government, or educational 

Becky Koch, North Dakota
3rd Place, Electronic Newsletter, Nonprofit, government, or educational 

Amanda Kosior, North Dakota

2nd Place, Specialty Articles, Personal essay
Honorable Mention, Graphics 

Jeanine Larson, North Dakota

3rd Place, Social Media Presence, Corporate or for-profit 

Amy Norstedt, North Dakota

2nd Place, Information for the Media, Media Pitch 

Zachary Otteson, North Dakota

1st Place, Graphics, Infographics
2nd Place, Book Designed by Entrant 

Carol Renner, North Dakota

1st Place, Social Media Campaign, Nonprofit, government or educational 

Roxane Salonen, North Dakota

2nd Place, Specialty Articles, Religion
Honorable Mention, News Story, Print-based newspaper 

Karen Stensrud, North Dakota

1st Place, News or Feature Releases, Multiple Releases
2nd Place, Radio and Television Advertising, Radio 

Karen Stensrud, Tracy Frank, North Dakota
1st Place, Publication Regularly Edited by Entrant, Newsletter/other publication - corporate or for profit

Heather Syverson, North Dakota

3rd Place, Blog, Corporate or for-profit 

Tamara Jo Taft, North Dakota

1st Place, Web and Social Media, Podcast
2nd Place, Single Photograph, General photo (open competition on any subject)
3rd Place, Brochure, Nonprofit, government or educational 

David Teeples, North Dakota

3rd Place, Video for Web, Video for nonprofit or government organization 

Danielle Teigen, South Dakota
2nd Place, News Story, Magazine, newsletter/other print publication
3rd Place, Nonfiction Book for Adult Readers, Biography or History
Honorable Mention, Feature Story, Magazine, newsletter/other publication 

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