
Join NDPC or renew your current district or state membership here. 

Visit to join or renew as a national (full) member. 

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Member Benefits

Professional Development
Learn from professionals and peers across North Dakota and the United States by attending professional development conferences and workshops.

Build your professional network... exchange ideas...  enjoy support... explore job leads... learn from a mentor... develop friendships. Your connection to members of NDPC/NFPW  is as powerful as you make it.

Job Postings
Get the inside scoop on local and national job openings in all fields of communications — from entry level positions to those for seasoned pros — with our members-only job postings. See the Forum for job postings in the members section.

Discounted Libel Insurance
Feel more secure. NFPW members qualify for discounted rates on libel insurance that covers legal defense costs, damages and protection from lawsuits. The cost-effective solution for freelancers and those writing independently.

Education Fund Grants
Apply for a members-only NFPW Education Fund grant to help you sharpen your professional skills. The education fund offers a limited number of members-only grants and operates as an entity separate from NFPW.

First Amendment Network (FAN)
Protect the First Amendment! Sign up for the First Amendment Network (FAN), NFPW grassroots email alert system, to notify you when action is needed on First Amendment issues. NFPW members can join at no charge. Non-members pay $100/year.

Receive news about our members, events and issues in the communication industry through the NDPC emails and the NFPW newsletter, Agenda.

Members-Only Section
Access our state NDPC member directory, review past board and annual meeting minutes, view bylaws and conference highlights, and review board information and officer duties.

National membership gives you access to the NFPW members page, where you view the nationwide member directory, renew membership, submit a change of address, find forms and other NFPW archival and governance information. 

Leadership Development
Sharpen your leadership skills by becoming a leader on the state and national levels. The more involved you are, the more you will benefit from all we offer.

Student Membership
Jump-start your career and start making connections now in your own state or anywhere in the nation. Students can join NDPC and NFPW at a discounted rate.

Membership Levels

Full Membership (includes National and State) – $110
Individuals employed in any aspect of communications are eligible for full membership. Full members are entitled to all state and national privileges including the waiver of monthly meeting fees, discounts on state and national conference registrations, voting privileges, holding office, serving as a delegate, and participating in the NFPW communications contest. Full members receive NDPC and NFPW communications.

Associate Membership (State only) – $35
Individuals employed in any aspect of communications are also eligible for state membership. Associate membership entitles you to state privileges including the waiver of monthly meeting fees and discounts on state conference registrations. State members only receive NDPC communications.

Student Membership – $30
Any student enrolled in a two- or four-year institution of higher education with an interest in communications is eligible. Students receive publications and may attend workshops but may not vote, hold office or serve as a delegate. Student members are eligible to participate in state and national college contests.

Retired Membership – $35
To be eligible for retired membership, members must have been a paid professional member of NDPC/NFPW for five consecutive years and no longer receive substantial remuneration for work in the communications field. Retired members may vote and hold office (except president and first vice president) but not serve as a delegate or take part in the communications contest.

Life Membership – Free
Members whose age plus years of NDPC membership total 100 are eligible for life membership. Life members don’t pay state dues, and NDPC pays their NFPW dues. Members wishing to become a life member must apply to the NDPC board of directors for approval.

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