Prairie Communicators

The Prairie Communicators, North Dakota Professional Communicators’ Southwest District, is based in Bismarck, N.D. The district’s members hail from the counties of Adams, Billings, Bowman, Burleigh, Dunn, Emmons, Golden Valley, Grant, Hettinger, Mercer, Morton, Oliver, Sioux, Slope and Stark.

The group typically gathers during the “school year” on the second Tuesday of the month for educational programs and networking. Some of the activities are face-to-face and some are virtual, allowing for members statewide to learn from individuals outside their geographic area.

For more information about the group or upcoming events, contact Jennifer Skjod, NDPC southwest district director, at, or join Prairie Communicators’ Facebook group.

>>Meeting information

2021-22 Meetings

The Prairie Communicators gathered in mid-September for a face-to-face meeting, allowing the members to catch up and share their ideas for the upcoming season.

In October, the group hosted Rob Keller and Maxine Herr for an introduction to the North Dakota Public Information Officer Association. >>NDPC members: watch the webinar replay

Kalvin Kingsley of KK Bold spoke to the group in November on Website Design and Trends.

In January, Justin Data of North Dakota Information Technology presented on Project Management software.

The group held a “show and tell” session in February with three of the members sharing Simple Video Production tricks and tips.

In March, Steven Andrist spoke to the group about the North Dakota News Cooperative.

Finally, in April, Colton and Jaren Shoults spoke to the group about marketing their restaurants (Laughing Sun, Grand Junction and the Craftcade) using Tik Tok, Instagram Reels and YouTube.

2020-21 Meetings

April 13, 2021 — Hey You! Stop Scrolling, Start Connecting

What can your business learn from the nonprofit world when it comes to messaging, engagement and building better relationships with clients? Turns out, a TON. Patrick Kirby shares about using tips and tricks from the best storytellers, question askers and community engagers around: the nonprofit sector. We'll discuss how getting lost in all the noise of social media, combined with your audience having the attention span of gnat, is lessening your ability to connect with your audience and what to do about it!

Patrick Kirby is the Founder of Do Good Better Consulting, author of the Amazon best seller Fundraise Awesomer! A Practical Guide to Staying Sane While Doing Good, host of The Official Do Good Better Podcast, and a believer that “we’ve always done it this way” is the most dangerous phrase in the English language.

>>NDPC members: watch the webinar replay

February 2021 — Lessons Learned: Pandemic Social Media Management

N.D. Department of Health’s social media manager, Paul Teeple, has been on the virtual front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic for almost 11 months. He will share his experiences managing the health department's social media during the pandemic and some of the lessons he has learned along the way.

>>NDPC members: watch the webinar replay

Dec. 9, 2020 — Grassroots Communications

Jason Matthews of JM Strategies will discuss Grassroots Communications. His remarks will focus on advocacy, specifically persuading government officials and how individuals should view advocacy. Jason helps organizations raise their profile and deepen their impact by improving efficiencies, revitalizing internal operations, and developing communications strategies that connect. He has developed plans, directed qualitative research projects, hosted planning sessions, managed implementation, and advised nonprofits, businesses, and government agencies.

>>Watch the webinar replay

Oct. 13, 2020 — Event Planning and Management

Alison Zarr of Bismarck State College discusses event planning and management. Zarr plans the Energy Generation conference, one of the state’s largest conferences, and other contract events. She also organizes the college’s enrichment program and manages its certification programs. 

>>Watch the webinar replay

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