North Dakota Professional Communicators is an organization of men and women employed in all aspects of communications — newspapers, public relations, education, magazines, television, radio, publishing, advertising, photography and freelance.
We are committed to:
Active and thoughtful advancement of the communications profession,
Exchanging ideas through our state and national network, and
Recognizing and encouraging the outstanding work of our members.
Activities and Benefits
North Dakota Professional Communicators:
Holds an annual conference in the spring. This event, hosted on a rotating basis across the state, offers opportunities for professional development and networking.
Conducts an annual communications contest for members. First place winners advance to the NFPW national competition where North Dakota members consistently excel.
Grants scholarships to college students studying communications.
Provides financial support to NDPC members for individual professional development.
Hosts regular meetings in four regions of the state for learning and sharing.
Honor a member every year as a Communicator of Achievement.
Educates students and others about First Amendment rights and responsibilities.
Communicates with professionals across the country and benefits from services through NFPW.
National members receive additional information through NFPW publications.
National Affiliation
NDPC is affiliated with the National Federation of Press Women, an organization of communication professionals from across the United States. Each state affiliate operates under its own bylaws and officers, with full access to the strength and direction of the national organization.