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FMPC November 2020 Meeting: Pandemic fatigue, preferences and … why was that again?

  • Wednesday, November 18, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Zoom


Pandemic fatigue, preferences and … why was that again?

Leann Wolff – Great Outcomes Consulting
The stress and pressures of the last several months have been unrelenting. Summer gave us a bit more breathing room…but only a bit. People are driving faster, taking more risks. Colleagues are snapping and being generally annoying. We are all asking: When will this be over? There is only one answer: Not soon a-damn-nough. In the meantime, what do we do?

During this session, we will explore “in the meantime,” especially as communicators who serve critical roles in crisis. We’ll start with acknowledging pandemic fatigue and the underlying stress. This conversation will lead to a review of how our individual personal preferences and styles function under stress. The final phase of the conversation will be focused on reminders of core components of good communication (what’s the why; bad news first; managing expectations, etc.)

Watch the webinar replay

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