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NDPC 2010 Communications Contest Winners

Media professionals from North Dakota and Minnesota were honored at the 2010 North Dakota Professional Communicators awards banquet Saturday, April 24 in Fargo, N.D. Members were honored for their best work in print media, photography, advertising, writing for and development of the Web, promotion, public relations, marketing, speeches and books.

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo, N.D., won first place in the sweepstakes competition. Karen Stensrud, Fargo, took second; and Linda Sailer, Dickinson, N.D., third.

Fredricks owns Fredricks Communications and was the National Federation of Press Women sweepstakes winner last year. Stensrud is vice president of marketing and communications at State Bank and Trust in Fargo, and Sailer is lifestyles editor at The Dickinson Press.

The awards banquet was held in conjunction with NDPC’s annual conference. NDPC is the state affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women, an organization of communication professionals from across the United States. NDPC is an organization of women and men employed in all aspects of communication: newspapers, public relations, education, magazines, television, radio, publishing, advertising, photography and freelance.

Sixty-one first-place NDPC entries will advance to NFPW’s national competition.

Sweepstakes winners and their entries:

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo
Five first-place entries: editorial opinion, daily newspaper; website development, corporate or for-profit sites; writing for the Web, online newsletters; direct-mail marketing; single news release
Seven second-place entries: columns, informational; website development, corporate or for-profit sites; black-and-white print ad, institutional or image; ad campaign, institutional; annual report, external; newsletter, 4-color; direct-mail marketing
Seven third-place entries: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation (two entries, both received third); color ad, institutional; radio commercial or campaign; annual report, external; newsletter, 4-color; brochure, 4-color 
Two honorable mentions: 
radio commercial or campaign; brochure, 4-color

Karen Stensrud, Fargo
Three first-place entries: single ad, retail product or service; radio commercial; marketing program
Five second-place entries:
 single ad, retail product; marketing program; audio visual, PowerPoint; brochure, 1-3 color; brochure, 4-color
Four third- place entries: special articles, business; publication edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation; page layout, publication for general or specialized circulation; direct-mail marketing
Two honorable mentions: magapaper tabloid, 4-color; direct-mail marketing

Linda Sailer, Dickinson
Seven first-place entries: special articles, health; special articles, rotating subject; supplement edited by entrant, daily newspaper; single page edited by entrant, daily newspaper; section edited by entrant, daily newspaper; photography, daily newspaper, photo essay; photographer-writer
Two second-place entries: page layout, daily newspaper; personality profile, more than 500 words
One honorable mention: feature story, daily newspaper

Other individual winners at the state level were:

Jane Ahlin, Fargo
First: columns, general

Sadie Anderson, Fargo
First: newsletter, 1-3 color
Second: newsletter, 1-3 color
Second: personality profile, more than 500 words (two entries, both second)
Third: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
HM: newsletter, 4-color

Laurie Baker, Moorhead
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation (two entries, both second)
HM: photography, feature photo, non-newspaper
HM: newsletter, 4-color (two entries, both HM)

Janell Cole, Bismarck
First: continuing coverage
First: investigative reporting
First: special articles, business
Second: special articles, science
Second: special articles, government or politics
HM: special articles, religion

Ellen Crawford, Fargo
First: annual report, external
Second: single news release
Third: news reporting, publication for general or specialized circulation

Lisa Dahlen and Liz Stabenow, Fargo
First: institutional PR campaign
Third: brochure, 4-color

Jennifer Dobrowski, Grand Forks
First: news reporting, publication for general or specialized circulation
First: editorial cartoons/graphics, headline writing
First: newsletter, 4-color
Second: special articles, health, fitness
Second: editorial cartoons/graphics, headline writing
Second: photographer-writer
Second: newsletter, 4-color
Third: special articles, health, fitness
HM: news reporting, publication for general or specialized circulation
HM: photography, news photo, non-newspaper
HM: photography, feature photo, non-newspaper
HM: personality profile, more than 500 words

Debora Dragseth, Dickinson
First: special series
Second: special articles, business
HM: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation

Megan Fraase, Fargo
Second: Internet communications, news article written for the Web
Second: writing for the Web, feature article
Second: Internet communications, feature article
Third: Internet communications, news article written for the Web
HM: Internet communications, commentary

Joel Hagen, Fargo
First: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
First: personality profile, more than 500 words
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: news reporting, publication for general or specialized circulation
HM: writing for the Web, feature article

Merrie Sue Holtan, Perham, Minn.
First: Special articles, home
First: nonfiction book, biography and autobiography
First: publication edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: columns, general
Third: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
Third: personality profile, less than 500 words

Catherine Jelsing, Rugby
Third: personality profile, more than 500 words

Pamela Knudson, Grand Forks
First: special articles, education
Second: magazine, 4-color
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation (two entries, both second place)
Second: personality profile, more than 500 words (two entries, both second place)
Second: special articles, education
HM: magazine, 4-color

Becky Koch, Fargo
First: photography, news photo, non-newspaper
First: website development, not-for-profit or educational organization
First: audio visual PowerPoint, still illustration or multi-image slides
First: audio visual, PowerPoint or similar presentation
First: manuals and handbook
First: audio visual, video productions
HM: photography, news

Becky Koch and Ellen Crawford, Fargo
First: public service campaign

Denise Kolpack, Fargo
First: commentary written specifically for the Web

Cathy Langemo, Bismarck
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: special articles, agriculture
Second: special articles, history
Second: special articles, sports
Third: magazine, 4-color
HM: magazine, 1-3 color
HM: brochure, 4-color

Jeanine Larson, Fargo
First: podcasts, corporate issues
Second: writing for the Web, news article
Second: podcasts, corporate issues
Third: writing for the Web, news article

Avery Nubson, Moorhead, Minn.
First: website development, corporate or for-profit
First: website development, professional
Second: website development, corporate or for-profit
Second: website development, entertainment
HM: brochure, 4-color
HM: direct-mail marketing

Eloise Ogden, Minot
First: photography, news photo, newspaper
First: photography, feature photo, newspaper
Second: news reporting, daily newspaper
Second: feature story, daily newspaper
Second: photo essay, narrative quality of single subject

Bonnie Oelschlager and Liz Stabenow, Fargo
First: brochure, 4-color

Bonnie Oelschlager, Lisa Dahlen and Liz Stabenow, Fargo
First: ad campaign, institutional or image

Whitney Pandil-Eaton, Minot
First: enterprise reporting
Second: continuing coverage
Third: special articles, agriculture

Barbara Pates, Fargo
Second: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: personality profile, more than 500 words

Denise Pinkney, Fargo
First: writing for the Web, not-for-profit or educational organization
Second: news articles written specifically for the Web
Second: commentary written specifically for the Web
Second: writing for the Web, feature (two entries, both second place)
Third: writing for the Web, news article
Third: writing for the Web, commentary

Lana Rakow, Grand Forks
First: speeches

Anne Robinson-Paul, Moorhead, Minn.
First: writing for the Web, news article
First: writing for the Web, feature
Second: writing for the Web, news article
Second: writing for the Web, commentary
Third: writing for the Web, feature
Third: writing for the Web, commentary

Roxane Salonen, Fargo
First: columns, specialized
Second: columns, specialized

Jill Schramm, Minot
First: special articles, agriculture
First: special articles, science
First: feature story, daily newspaper
Second: news reporting, daily newspaper
Second: personality profile, more than 500 words

Melissa Splichal, Dickinson
First: page layout, publication for general or specialized circulation
First: advertising, single-sheet poster
First: magazine, 4-color
First: brochure, 1-3 color
Second: page layout, publication for general or specialized circulation
Second: advertising, single-sheet poster
HM: brochure, 4-color

Shanna Shervheim, Dickinson
Second: special articles, social issues
Second: personality profile, more than 500 words
Second: publications edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation
Third: annual report, external
Third: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation 
HM: photography, feature photo, non-newspaper (two entries, both received HM)

Sheyna Strommen, Bismarck
Third: feature story, publication for general or specialized circulation
HM: publication edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation

Kathy Tofflemire, Fargo
Second: columns, general

Katherine Tweed, Fargo
HM: personality profile, more than 500 words

JoAnn Winistorfer, Hazen
First: book edited by entrant
First: magapaper tabloid, 4-color
Second: book edited by entrant
Second: special series
Second: feature, publication for general or specialized circulation
Third: page layout, publication for general or specialized circulation
HM: advertising, single-sheet poster
HM: magazine, 1-3 color
HM: media kit
HM: publications edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation

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