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NFPW 2008 Communications Contest Winners

Nineteen members of NDPC won awards in the 2008 National Federation of Press Women’s communications contest. Winners were announced at the NFPW annual conference in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Sept. 11-13. 

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo, earned second place in the individual sweepstakes category of the communications competition. The sweepstakes category recognizes NFPW members who earn the most points for the number of category wins and places in each category.

All entries in the national contest received first-place awards at the state level. State winners were announced at NDPC’s annual convention held in April in Grand Forks.

National winners are:

Jane Ahlin, Fargo, Forum columnist
Honorable mention: personal columns 

Ellen Crawford, Fargo, Ag Communications, NDSU
Second: external annual report 

Duane Eckholm, Fargo, Noridian
Second: Web site development – professional site

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo, Fredricks Communications
First: writing for the Web - corporate site
First: professional Web site editing
Third: black & white institutional/image print ad
Third: color retail product/service print ad
Second: publications editing - newsletters
Third: institutional print ad campaign/series
Third: media kit 

Joe Hixson, Fargo, Noridian
First: corporate Web site development/creation 

Merrie Sue Holtan, Perham, Minn.
Honorable mention: book editing 

Kim Jondahl, Bismarck, Jondahl Communications
First: four-color magazine 

Becky Koch, Fargo, Ag Communications, NDSU
First: one- to three-color magazine/tabloid 

Jeanine Noce, Fargo, Noridian
First: TV special reporting series
Second: TV prepared report
Second: TV best presentation 

Delores Pavicic, Fargo, TRIO/NDSU
Third: one- to three-color magazine 

Denise Pinkney, Fargo, Noridian
First: Web headline writing
Third: writing for the Web - nonprofit/educational
Third: feature article written specifically for Web 

Carol Renner, Fargo, creative activities & technical transfer, NDSU
First: audiovisuals/Powerpoint
First: feature news release 

Anne Robinson-Paul, Fargo, Noridian
Second: Web commentary 

Linda Sailer, Dickinson, Dickinson Press
Third: section editing - daily newspaper 

Roxane Salonen, Fargo
Second: news reporting - general or specialized circulation 

Jill Schramm, Minot, Minot Daily News
Second: special articles - business
Third: special articles - social issues 

Karen Stensrud, Fargo, State Bank & Trust
First: advertising billboard
First: radio commercial/campaign
First: TV commercial/campaign
First: marketing campaign
Second: direct mail marketing 

Darrel Veldhouse, Moorhead, Minn., Noridian
First: corporate Web site editing 

LoAnn Wegh, Dickinson, LoAnn’s Marketing
Second: single-sheet poster ad
Second: poster campaign 

The NFPW national competition had 968 entries in 203 specialty categories pertaining to print journalism; radio, television and the Internet; marketing communications in multi-media; photojournalism; and authorship and editing of books. The judges were top industry professionals from across the U.S. selected for their expert credentials. Judges were not associated with NFPW or NFPW members.  

NFPW is an organization of professional journalists and communicators. For more than 70 years, it has promoted the highest ethical standards in communications; provided professional development, youth programs and networking; and advocated for protection of First Amendment rights.

NDPC is an organization of men and women employed in all aspects of communications: journalism, public relations, education, publishing, marketing, advertising, photography and freelancing. NDPC is committed to networking, career development, and evaluation and recognition for its members. 

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