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NFPW 2007 Communications Contest Winners

Fourteen members of NDPC won 23 writing awards in the 2007 National Federation of Press Women’s communications contest. Winners were announced at an awards dinner Sept. 22, 2007, in Richmond, Va.

All entries in the national contest received first-place awards at the state level. State winners were announced at NDPC’s annual convention held in April in Bismarck.

National winners are:

Ellen Crawford, Fargo
Third: Writing for the Web, news articles written specifically for the Web
First: Public service

Jennifer Dobrowski, Grand Forks
First: Newsletter, one- to three-color

Lori Dittmer, Mankato, Minn.
First: Writing for the Web, commentary

Julie Ellingson, St. Anthony
Honorable Mention: Magazine, four-color

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo
First: Web site or section edited by entrant, professional sites
Third: Newspaper, trade paper or magazine, color, institutional or image
First: Newspaper, trade paper or magazine campaign or series, institutional or image
First: Publication regularly edited by entrant, newsletter

Becky Koch, Fargo
Second: Web site or section edited by entrant, not-for-profit or educational organization

Eloise Ogden, Minot
Honorable Mention: Continued coverage or unfolding news

Denise Pinkney, Fargo
First: Writing for the Web, captions

Anne Robinson-Paul, Moorhead, Minn.
Second: Writing for the Web, feature article written specifically for the Web

Lou Richardson, Fargo
First: Non-fiction book, cookbook

Linda Sailer, Dickinson
First: Section edited by entrant, daily newspaper
Second: Photography in daily newspaper, feature photo
Third: Photographer-writer

Karen Stensrud, Fargo
Third: Direct mail marketing
Third: Web site development / creation, corporate or for-profit organization
Honorable Mention: Newspaper, trade paper or magazine, color, retail product or service

Jo Ann Winistorfer, Hazen
Third: Non-fiction history book

LoAnn Wegh, Dickinson
Second: Poster campaign
Second: Billboard

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