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NFPW 2004 Communications Contest Winners

NDPC earned the second-place sweepstakes award in the 2004 National Federation of Press Women communication contest. Sixteen media professionals from North Dakota and Minnesota were named national winners in the annual NFPW communications contest.

NDPC placed second in the state affiliate sweepstakes with 35 winning entries. Virginia won top honors and Louisiana placed third. NDPC’s Tammy Swift claimed second place in the individual sweepstakes.
Awards were presented Saturday, Sept. 11 at the NFPW Communications Conference in Lexington, Ky.

All entries in the national contest, which was judged by professionals from across the country, had received first-place awards at the state level. State winners were announced at NDPC's annual convention held in June in New Town, N.D.

National winners include:

Frances Berg, Hettinger
Second: Non-fiction book 

Janell Cole, Bismarck
Third: Continuing coverage or unfolding news
Second: Special articles, government and politics
Third: Special articles, history

Doris Cooper, Jamestown
Third: Infrequent section edited by entrant, general or specialized circulation
Honorable mention: Newspaper or magazine color ad, institutional or image
First: Audiovisuals, video productions
First: Catalog, educational institutions
Third: Multiple news or feature releases

Lori Dittmer, Mankato, Minn.
Second: News reporting, general or specialized circulation
Second: Publication regularly edited by entrant, newsletters

Judy Duenow, Elk River, Minn.
First: Fiction, novel

Patricia Fix, Fargo
First: Photography on the Web
Third: News articles written for the Web
First: Feature articles written for the Web
Honorable mention: Commentary written for the Web

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo
Second: Radio commercial
First: Television commercial
First: One- to three-color brochure
Third: Direct-mail marketing
Honorable mention: News release

Patricia J. Keough-Wilson, Wahpeton
Honorable mention: Speeches

Becky Koch, Fargo
First: Black and white ad, institutional or image
Second: Magapaper/tabloid

Bonnie Lund, Horace
Third: Audiovisuals, PowerPoint

Denise Pinkney, Fairmount
Third: Web content written for nonprofit organizations
Third: Feature news release

Karen Stensrud, Fargo
Second: Internal annual report

Tammy Swift, Moorhead, Minn.
First: Personality profile
First: Special articles, health
First: Special articles, science and environment
First: Headline writing

Darrel Veldhouse, Moorhead, Minn.
Third: Web site development, corporate or for-profit organizations

LoAnn Wegh, Dickinson
Third: Single-sheet poster

Kevin Zepper, Moorhead, Minn.
Second: Creative verse, chapbook of poetry

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