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NFPW 2002 Communications Contest Winners

Sixteen NDPC members won awards in the National Federation of Press Women communications competition. The North Dakota communicators placed third in the state affiliate sweepstakes with a total of 24 winning entries. Virginia took top honors and Nebraska came in second.

Tammy Swift, Moorhead, Minn., was first runner-up in the individual sweepstakes category. Swift received four national awards for her work on The Forum, Fargo, N.D.: a first place for her humorous columns, a second in reviews, a third in feature writing, and honorable mention for a personality profile.

Winners were announced Sept. 21 at the 2002 NFPW Annual Communications Conference held at the Bismarck Holiday Inn. North Dakota hosted 150 professional communicators from around the country during the gathering, some of whom also participated in pre- and post-conference tours.

Entries that won first place at the state level advanced to national competition. Educators and professionals from across the country reviewed 1,012 entries competing in 67 major categories. The most entered categories were in writing, with features stories and personality profiles being the most popular.

Besides Swift, North Dakota members whose award-winning work contributed to the state sweepstakes win include:

Jill Ackerman, Bismarck, N.D., third place, program or campaign for the public good, internal communications; third place, internal annual report for members or employees.

Janell Cole, Bismarck, N.D., second, special articles - government or politics.
Doris Cooper, Jamestown, N.D., second, catalog, educational institutions.

Kristin Smith Fehr, Dickinson, N.D., honorable mention, faculty adviser of student publication.

Patricia Fix, Fargo, N.D., honorable mention, news or feature articles written specifically for the Web.

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo, N.D., first, feature story - publication for general or specialized circulation, including internal publications.
Erin Hemme-Froslie, Fargo, N.D., first, special articles - social issues.

Karla Rose Hanson, Fargo, N.D., third, PR printed materials, brochure, 4-color.

Patricia Keough-Wilson, Wahpeton, N.D., second, section edited by entrant, publication for general or specialized circulation, including internal publications; second, speeches.

Becky Koch, Fargo, N.D., second, print media advertising, institutional or image; second, PR printed materials, magapaper/tabloid.

Denise Pinkney, Fairmount, N.D., third, caption writing; honorable mention, media kit, tools to gain media coverage.

Karen Stensrud, Fargo, N.D., second, public service, program or campaign for the public good.

Steven Wagner, Moorhead, Minn., second, special series.
LoAnn Wegh, Dickinson, N.D., third, single sheet poster, any size, b/w or color; first, radio single commercial or campaign built around one subject.

Jack Zaleski, Horace, N.D., first, editorial, daily newspaper.

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