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NFPW 2001 Communications Contest Winners

NDPC earned the third-place sweepstakes award in the 2001 National Federation of Press Women communication contest. The award was the result of 17 members of the organization winning 30 awards, including 10 first places.

NFPW 2001 Communications Contest Winners

NDPC earned the third-place sweepstakes award in the 2001 National Federation of Press Women communication contest. The award was the result of 17 members of the organization winning 30 awards, including 10 first places.

The NDPC members were among 272 national winners recognized at a Sept. 15 ceremony during the NFPW annual communication conference in Indianapolis. The communication contest recognizes its members' best work in print media, photography, television, advertising, promotion, public relations, audiovisual and books.

Approximately 979 entries competed in 74 major categories at the national communication contest. Entries that won first place in their state contest were eligible for national judging. The categories with the most entries were new reporting, editorial, feature stories, special articles and personal columns. Twenty-five professionals and educators from across the country judged the contest entries.

NDPC submitted 64 first-place entries from its state communication contest to the national contest, with 30 of them winning a national award. State winners were announced at NDPC's annual convention held in May in Fargo.

The following list includes the national winners, their hometowns, their company/publication, their NFPW award and the contest categories.

National award winners are:

Doris Cooper, Jamestown, Jamestown College, first place, news or feature release - single news release.

Jeri Dobrowski, Beach, Home on the Range, first place, cookbook.

Beth DuFault, Fargo, The Forum, first place, black & white display ad for a newspape;, first place, ad campaign or series built around one subject for a newspaper.

Kris Fehr, Dickinson, REC/RTC Magazine and the Bismarck Tribune, second place, special articles on ecology or the environment; honorable mention, news reporting for a general or specialized publication.

Martin Fredricks, West Fargo, NDSU University Relations, third place, news or feature release - single feature release.

Karla Rose Hanson, Fargo, Microsoft Great Plains Business Solutions, third place, marketing program or campaign for a new or existing service.

Erin Hemme Froslie, Fargo, The Forum, first place, special articles on social issues; honorable mention, special articles on religion.

Sarah Henning, Fargo, The Forum, third place, special series.

Patty Hetland, Fargo, Eide Bailly, first place, color ad for retail product or service for a newspaper or magazine; second place, Web site managed by the entrant for a corporation; honorable mention, newsletter, one-to-three color.

Patricia Keough-Wilson, Wahpeton, Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative, third place, internal annual report for members or employees.

Bob Kjelland, Jamestown, Dakota Pride Cooperative, honorable mention, brochure, four-color.

Becky Koch, Fargo, NDSU Agriculture Communication, first place, television single commercial or campaign built around one subject; second place, magapaper or tabloid.

Denise Pinkney, Fairmount, Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative, second place, community or institutional relations program; honorable mention, feature photography for publication other than a newspaper.

Linda Sailer, Dickinson, Dickinson Press, second place, photography for a daily newspaper, rotating subject; third place, photography for a daily newspaper, photo essay; third place, single pages edited, other than lifestyle, for a daily newspaper.

Cole Short, Fargo, The Forum, first place, special articles on education.

Karen Stensrud, Fargo, free-lance, third place, brochure, one-to-three color.

Tammy Swift, Fargo, The Forum, first place, special articles on arts, entertainment and fashions; first place, special articles on history; third place, special articles on food; honorable mention, special articles on business; honorable mention, special articles on reviews.

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