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NDPC 2016 College Communications Contest Winners

More than 100 entries from students at five schools North Dakota and Minnesota colleges were received for the annual North Dakota Professional Communicators (NDPC) College Communications Contest. Winners of the 2016 contest were recognized at a special awards luncheon on April 15, 2016, at Eide Bailly in Fargo. Nearly 50 students, advisers, parents, friends, and NDPC members gathered to support the student winners.

Communications professionals judged entries from student journalists, editors, broadcasters, photographers, designers and writers. NDPC presented 96 awards were presented in 32 categories.

The contest is open to any student enrolled in at least a two-year college or university in North Dakota or Moorhead, Minn. Judges, selected for their professional expertise in each field, critique entries and provide students with feedback.

Participating institutions were North Dakota State University, Fargo; University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; Minot State University, Minot; University of Jamestown, Jamestown; and Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead.

NDPC is devoted to the advancement of career and student communicators through professional development conferences and training, events that foster networking among colleagues, contests, mentoring and continuing education opportunities.

2016 College Communications Contest Winners

News Reporting

First Place: Samantha Stark, MSUM
Second Place: Ellen Rossow, MSUM
Third Place: Josie Gereszek, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Hunter Simonson, MSUM

First Place: Advocate Staff, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Caleb Gwerder, University of Jamestown

Feature Story
First Place: Anthony Schnabel, MSUM
Second Place: Emily Pascavis, MSUM
Third Place: Onize Ohikere, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Josie Gereszek and Mattie Hanson, MSUM

Special Articles
First Place: Onize Ohikere and Josie Gereszek, MSUM
Second Place: Josie Gereszek, Samantha Stark and Ashley Peck, MSUM
Third Place: Paige Johnson, NDSU

Personality Profile
First Place: Josie Gereszek, MSUM
Second Place: Anthony Schnabel, MSUM
Third Place: Krys Zorbaugh, Minot State University
Honorable Mention: Shayla King, University of Jamestown

Personal Column
First Place: Hunter Simonson, MSUM
Second Place: Frantz Jean-Pierre, Minot State University
Honorable Mention: Shayla King, University of Jamestown

Sports Writing
First Place: Anthony Schnabel, MSUM
Second Place: Thor Thompson, MSUM
Third Place: Martin Schlegel, MSUM and Tomi Thompson, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Emily Pascavis, MSUM and Susan Margrave, University of Jamestown

First Place: Chris Sanchez, MSUM
Second Place: Shayla King, University of Jamestown

Personal Essay
First Place: Jeanie Kee, University of Jamestown
Second Place: Sarah Porter, University of Jamestown
Third Place: Caleb Gwerder, University of Jamestown

Section Regularly Edited by Entrant
First Place: Advocate Arts & Entertainment (Ellen Rossow), MSUM
Second Place: Advocate News (Josie Gereszek), MSUM
Third Place: Advocate Features (Onize Ohikere), MSUM
Honorable Mention: Advocate Opinion (Samantha Stark), MSUM and Advocate Sports (Thor Thompson), MSUM

Publication Regularly Edited by Entrant
First Place: The Collegian Staff, University of Jamestown
Second Place: Advocate Staff, MSUM

Single News Photo
First Place: Josie Gereszek, MSUM
Second Place: Onize Ohikere, MSUM
Third Place: Koh En Chze (Ariel), Minot State University

Single Feature Photo
First Place: Ethan DeGree, MSUM and Samantha Stark, MSUM
Second Place: Koh En Chze (Ariel), Minot State University

Single Sports Photo
First Place: Ethan DeGree, MSUM
Second Place: Josie Gereszek, MSUM and Koh En Chze (Ariel), Minot State University
Third Place: Elizabeth Nelson, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Alecs Peters, MSUM

Photo Essay
First Place: Ethan DeGree, MSUM
Second Place: Elizabeth Nelson, MSUM and Kayleigh Omang, MSUM

General News Reporting
First Place: Taylor Nelson, UND and Jordan Schroeer, MSUM
Second Place: Kaela Lucke, UND and Mike Rauser, UND
Third Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM and Tyrel Filley, MSUM

On-the-Scene News Reporting
First Place: Josie Gereszek, MSUM

Investigative Report
First Place: Jordan Schroeer, MSUM
Second Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM
Third Place: Onize Ohikere, MSUM

Feature Reporting
First Place: Tyrel Filley, MSUM
Second Place: Taylor Nelson, UND
Third Place: Onize Ohikere, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Mike Rauser, UND

General Sports Reporting
First Place: Ariana Babcock, MSUM
Second Place: Thor Thompson, MSUM
Third Place: Turner Blaufuss, MSUM

Feature Sports Reporting
First Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM
Second Place: Ariana Babcock, MSUM
Third Place: Avery Robb, UND
Honorable Mention: Taylor Nelson, UND and Thor Thompson, MSUM

Special Programming
First Place: Jordan Fremstad, Nate Manning, Nick Foertsch, Grace Garnas, NDSU
Second Place: Tomi Thompson, MSUM
Third Place: Broadcast Documentary Class, MSUM
Honorable Mention: Nate Manning, Rich Grossman, Lexus LaMotte, NDSU

Regularly Scheduled News/Information Program
First Place: Campus News, MSUM
Second Place: Studio One Staff, UND

TV Weather Broadcast
First Place: Studio One Staff, UND

TV News Photography
First Place: Alycia Lape, MSUM
Second Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM
Third Place: Darby Fike, MSUM

TV Feature Photography
First Place: Nikkie Nouwen, MSUM
Second Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM
Third Place: Darby Fike, MSUM

TV Sports Photography
First Place: Ariana Babcock, MSUM
Second Place: Nick Broadway, MSUM
Third Place: Thor Thompson, MSUM

Web Page Design
Honorable Mention: Emily Pascavis, MSUM

Single Display Ad
First Place: Emily Beaman, NDSU

Campaign or Series Built Around One Subject
Second Place: Emily Beaman, NDSU

Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Nelson, MSUM

Yearbook/Annual Literary Magazine
Honorable Mention: NDSU Comm 480 Class Team, NDSU

Short Fiction and Poetry
Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Nelson, MSUM

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