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NDPC 2011 College Communications Contest Winners

Winners of the 2011 North Dakota Professional Communicators College Communications Contest were recognized at the NDPC state conference April 8 in Grand Forks. More than 90 college students and teams from eight North Dakota and Minnesota schools participated in the annual competition.

Communication professionals in each field judged entries from student journalists, editors, broadcasters, photographers, designers and writers. There were 102 awards presented in 35 categories.

The contest is open to any student enrolled in at least a two-year college or university in North Dakota or Moorhead, Minn. Judges, selected for their professional expertise in each field, critique entries and provide students with feedback.

Participating institutions were: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D.; North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D.; Lake Region State College, Devils Lake, N.D.; Minot State University, Minot, N.D.; Dickinson State University, Dickinson, N.D.; Jamestown College, Jamestown, N.D.; and Minnesota State University Moorhead and Concordia College, both Moorhead, Minn.NDPC is devoted to the advancement of professional and student communicators through workshops, contests, mentoring and continuing education opportunities.

2011 College Communications Contest results

News writing
First - Julie Guggemos, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Blindsided: Four are victims of identity theft after using on-campus ATM”
Second - Kelsy Johnson, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Eyes on Egypt”
Third (tie) - Adam Voge, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Moorhead Public Schools prepare for delay in state funds” 
Third (tie) - Matthew Beckman, The Advocate, MSUM, “Photographer deals with work tragedy”
Honorable Mention - Katie Campbell, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Students get study published in Yale journal”

First - Marisa Paulson, The Concordian, Concordia College, “The trouble with TOMS”
Second - Amy Magstadt, The Hawk, DSU, “Whispering words of wisdom”
Third - April Baumgarten, The Collegian, Jamestown College, “Stalemate in Washington, D.C.” 
HM - Marie Dukart, The Hawk, DSU, “The differences between men and women”

Feature story
First - Matthew Kurtz, NDSU, Bison Illustrated Magazine, “Lynn Miller: In it to win it”
Second - Marisa Paulson, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Flood 2010: Here we go again”
Third - Katie Campbell, The Concordian, Concordia College, “From Minnesota to Haiti: Junior will run over 2,000 mies to raise aid for Haiti”
HM - Matthew Lech, The Advocate, MSUM, “Psychic connects with Michael Jackson on campus”
HM - Adam Voge, The Concordian, Concordia College, “The Great Bling Debate: Should you put a ring on it?”

Special articles 
First - Rachel Leingang, Kelsie O’Keefe, Charly Haley, The Advocate, MSUM, “2011 Dille grant student recipients”
Second - Kelsie O’Keefe, The Advocate, MSUM, “University saves $400,000 in energy costs; Carbon neutral house will lead the way; Design sustainable shutters or blinds and win $3,000” 
Third - Lydia DeJesus, The Hawk, DSU, “Tech Tip Corner”

Personality profile
First - Adam Voge, The Concordian, Concordia College, “Brandon’s Story” 
Second - Matthew Kurtz, Bison Illustrated Magazine, NDSU, “Spectacular Days: Erv Inniger’s impact on NDSU, a ripple effect to be felt for years to come”
Third - Rachel Leingang, The Advocate, MSUM, “Student designs video game for BFA program”
HM - Andre Walsh, The Hawk, DSU, “A ‘moodie’ drive towards the dream”
HM - April Baumgarten, The Collegian, Jamestown College, “Resident director retires”

Personal column 
First - Jack Fowler, Red and Green, MSU, “I’m in England so read my bloody article; Officer, can I pee in your hat?, Piccadilly all day long” 
Second - Matthew Lech, The Advocate, MSUM, “Hard hat and a sickle; Let Egypt decide; Humans are stupid as well” 
Third - Leta Deide, The Collegian, Jamestown College, “How much is enough, parts 1 and 2; Surviving through the winter blues”

Sports writing
First - Nicholas Meehan, The Collegian, Jamestown College, “The road less traveled: Men’s basketball looks to sweep DAC”
Second - Michael Smith, The Advocate, MSUM, “Athletic training”
Third - Eric Manlove, Red and Green, MSU, “Women’s softball rebounds from loss”

First - Dara Anderson, The Hawk, DSU, “Retro Review”
Second - Diona Osterman-Api, The Hawk, DSU, “Elvis Costello rounds it out with ‘National Ransom’” 
Third - Matthew Beckman, The Advocate, MSUM, “Halo Reach holds significance for fans, lacks for others” 
HM - Tanner Larson, Red and Green, MSU, “Mahvel Baybee: Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds review”

Personal essay 
First - Joy Walter, The Hawk, DSU, “I DNT SPEK TXT DO U?”
Second - Matthew Lech, The Advocate, MSUM, “On the art of personality”
Third - Rachel Leingang, The Advocate, MSUM, “Lessons can be learned from ‘Tiger Moms’”
HM - CJ Ketron, The Hawk, DSU, “AKA will live forever”
HM - Lydia DeJesus, The Hawk, DSU, “Laughter: best bang for buck”

Section regularly edited by entrant
First - Marisa Paulson, Concordia College, The Concordian, News and Feature Section
Second - Julie Guggemos, Concordia College, The Concordian, PULSE Section

Publication regularly edited by entrant
First - The Collegian, Jamestown College, editor April Baumgarten 
Second - The Advocate, MSUM, editor Rachel Leingang
Third - The Concordian, Concordia College, editor Adam Voge

Single news photo 
First - Jordan Shive, The Collegian, Jamestown College, voter photo

Single sports photo 
First - Griffin Sweazy, The Collegian, Jamestown College, soccer
Second - Jesse Kelly, Red and Green, MSU, football
Third - Eric Manlove, Red and Green, MSU, football

Photo essay
First - Jesse Trelstad, Horizonlines.org, MSUM, “Immigration Reform Rally”
Second - Caitlin Avey, The Collegian, Jamestown College, “Art Gallery: Explore, Experience Art”


General TV news reporting 
First - Peter Bruce, Studio One, UND, “3D technology”
Second - Alison Vorhees, Campus News, MSUM, “Corrick Center closes”
Third - Amy Unrau, Studio One, UND, “Smartphone”
HM - Stephanie Wothe, Studio One, UND, “Noise”

On-the-scene news reporting
First - Kit Cross, Campus News, MSUM, “Sorority sandbaggers”
Second - Kelsey Roseth, KVRR-TV, MSUM, “Tornado aftermath”
HM - Daniel Bartholomay, Campus News, MSUM, “Mayville demolition”

Investigative/In-depth report
First - Nathan Matson, Campus News, MSUM, “The remedy”
Second - Andrew Tichy, Campus News, MSUM, “UND nickname change”
Third - Daniel Bartholomay, Campus News, MSUM, “Seminary closes”
HM - Kallyn Klein, Campus News, MSUM, “Renter frustrations”

TV feature reporting
First - Nathan Matson, Campus News, MSUM, “The nester”
Second - Amy Unrau, Studio One, UND, “Rodeo chiropractor”
Third - Matthew Kurtz, Bison Information Network, SU TV News, “Pregnancy and exercise”
HM - Julie Bech, Studio One, UND, “Drive-in movies”
HM - Dylan Jacobson, Campus News, MSUM, “B-square”

First - Amy Unrau, Studio One, UND, “Easter eggs”

General sports reporting
First - David Folske, Studio One, UND, “Bat conflict”
Second - Jon Schaeffer, Studio One, UND, “Crowds”
Third - Kristi Larson, Campus News, MSUM, “Family comes first”

Feature sports reporting
First - Ryan Nelson, Bison Information Network, NDSU, “Bison battle with cancer”
Second - Robert Swansen, Campus News, MSUM, “1,000-point pair”
Third - Kit Cross, Campus News, MSUM, “Derby girl”
HM - David Folske, Studio One, UND, “Father/son racing”

Special programming
First - Matthew Nies, JCTV16, Student Media Center, Jamestown College, “Knightwatch: crisis in the Middle East”

News program
First - Campus News, MSUM
Second - Andrew Young, Bison Information Network, SU TV News

TV weather broadcast
First - Studio One, UND

TV news photography
First - Kit Cross, Campus News, MSUM, “Sorority sandbaggers”
Second - Peter Bruce, Studio One, UND, “3D technology”
Third - Lezlie Johnson, Campus News, MSUM, “Firefighter training”
HM - Dylan Jacobson and Nathan Matson, Campus News, MSUM, “The remedy”

TV feature photography
First - Nathan Matson, Campus News, MSUM, “The nester”
Second - Dylan Jacobson, Campus News, MSUM, “Be square”
Third - Cole Ryg, Campus News, MSUM, “Hippology training”
HM - Dylan Reichstadt, Studio One, UND, “Rodeo chiropractor”

TV sports photography
First - Peter Bruce, Studio One, UND, “Bat conflict”
Second - Kit Cross, Campus News, MSUM, “Derby girl”
Third - Patrick Conteh, Campus News, MSUM, “Relay record”

Television electronic news graphics
First - Ben Kuehne, Campus News, MSUM, “College stress; Lego robotics; Staying in App”

Web page design
First - Mike Smith, Horizonlines.org, MSUM, “Following the Harvest: from passing through to planting roots

Writing for the web 
First - Kristine Kostuck, MSUM, Horizonlines.org, “Bee farming in California and North Dakota: Passion brings culture and sweets”
Second - Katie Haarsager, UND, “Political unrest inspires a playwright; The Wizard of Oz and some rockin’ and rollin’ girls, Here’s to Love, V-Day and the Vagina Monologues” for North Valley Arts Council
Third - Ben Sailer, MSUM, Horizonlines.org, “Beet harvesting process, Elsa Zamora, Mujeres Unidas”

Website edited by entrant 
First - Megan Nitschke, MSUM, Horizonlines.org, “Following the Harvest: from passing through to planting roots”

News release 
First - Katie Haarsager, UND, “The Vagina Monologues” for North Valley Arts Council
Second - Katie Haarsager, UND, “2011 Grand Cities Art Fest” for North Valley Arts Council 
Third - Katie Haarsager, UND, “Mayor’s Choice Artist Reception” for North Valley Arts Council

First - Studio One, UND, “Update,” winter newsletter
Second - Ali Wang, Christine Hetzel, Darren Roth, Heather Neumiller, Kelsey Reidle, Michael Huschka, DSU language and literature department, “Wordwrights”
Third - Victoria Hvaring, UND, “Alumni in a war zone”

Literary Magazine 
First - Shorelines, Lake Region State College
Second - Impressions, DSU

Combination promotional campaign using media or other material
First - None awarded
Second - Studio One, UND

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